Sunday, April 11, 2010

As things get checked off, we add a few more to the To-Do List.

I went to the doctor this past Monday. Everything checked out okay. My blood pressure was normal... don't care much about my weight gain (it's depressing), even though she told me that it is not a concern... I measured okay... and my doctor was glad my fasting sugars had all been under 105. I have had some bad tests after meals, but that just tells me what I can't eat. Sometimes I wonder why my sugars test so high after certain things, but that's another story. I asked her about her philosophy on inducing (not that I want to be induced, I was just curious). She said she's not completely for it, but she's not totally against it. She said she doesn't do anything until 39 weeks. If by that time there's an issue and she needs to induce, then that's what we will have to do. But she also said if I'm a week after my due date, then she won't allow me to suffer. She's a big believer in letting nature take its course. This is fine with me. I don't want Kerrigan coming out before she needs to! Dr. Tamucci also doesn't really like to make a plan just in case something happens and it doesn't work out. Even though I am all about being prepared and like to plan ahead, this surprisingly is fine with me too. I don't want to be disappointed. Hopefully my blood pressure will hold on and I can make it as long as I need to. Although in the upcoming weeks, I may be ready to get her out!

I am currently 28 weeks and 4 days pregnant. My body feels like it's falling apart. It's hard for me to bend over and get up from the couch or out of the bed. My feet swell when I am on them for 30 seconds. And I think Kerrigan chills out on my tailbone because it seems to always be hurting! With a little less than 12 weeks to go, I'm wondering how I will be able to function! I guess this is what I have to deal with since I wasn't very sick in the beginning. Anyway, it's hard to believe I'm already in my third trimester. Kerrigan will be here before we know it! So I'm glad we have made a lot of progress in the house.

Aaron took a picture of me at 28 weeks. I got a lot of hand me down maternity clothes and some I have not worn yet. I like to know what I'm going to wear the night before so I'm not standing in the closet for 10 minutes pondering. So I tried on an outfit right before bed... Aaron then grabbed the camera to get a belly shot. I look like I'm going to fall asleep and of course, I look like a basketball was shoved in my shirt. However, I'm posting it... I don't know why. Please feel free to scroll down immediately!

Well, we were able to check off "Paint" from our to do list. But it seems as if any time we complete something, we add a few more small "projects" to the list. We worked most of the day yesterday painting. Aaron had to work for a couple of hours Saturday morning, then I brought Marley down to meet him so we could go to the Dog Park. We wanted Marley to be worn out so painting would be a little easier (It worked at times). Anyway, we started painting yesterday afternoon, took a break, and finished the second coat last night. There's still blue tape everywhere and we are going to have to touch up some areas where we got paint on the ceiling (oops!!). I think Aaron may want to redo the trim, as well. (See? Adding things to the to do list right after we finish something!!) The color we chose is Key are some pictures after we finished the first coat:

I just took pictures this morning of what it looks like after the second coat:

It seems a bit bright and lime but I know that after we get the furniture in and everything set up, it will look good. The second coat made it a lot less lime, too. Kerrigan's bedding has green, brown and pink and we want to get dark wood furniture. I am not a girly-girl, so a pink wall was not an option. There's pink in her bedding, so that's enough for me! :)

Luckily I have a three day weekend, so I'm out of school tomorrow. I hope to get a little bit of cleaning done. We'll see how my legs, ankles and feet hold up!

Please keep my sister-in-law Megan in your prayers. Her Grandpa JR was put in the hospital. He is in heart failure. Yesterday they only gave him 24-48 hours to live.


1 comment:

  1. Leah,

    The paint looks wonderful :) Can't wait to see the rest of the room come together!!

    And you WILL make it another 12 weeks :) I promise.
