Wednesday, April 21, 2010

30 Weeks Today!

Today, I am exactly 30 weeks pregnant, which means roughly 10 weeks to go. And oh boy, that is a scary thought! It's funny (in an ironic sort of way) because my sister-in-law Megan and good friend Jenni had their babies at this point of pregnancy, so I could be in their shoes. That would be crazy!! But I guess that's part of carrying twins, so maybe I will last closer to full term with my little singleton. Although, I almost went into labor earlier today when Jenni scared the crap of me!! I was in Julie's classroom, about to walk out the door. In fact, I think my hand was on the door. Then all of a sudden, Julie gasps and I turn and all I see is Jenni's face in the window. This was then followed by a scream and my heart rate was probably in the 200s. Thanks, ladies...

I just got home from the doctor. Anyway, she said everything looked fine. She listened to KJ's heartbeat, and it was a-kickin'. Unfortunately, she had to go do a C-section, so it was extremely rushed. Of course, the day I bring in a list of questions to ask, she has to be in a hurry. Oh well--that's how it always works out, I suppose. But I did have some slight concerns that I tried to squeeze in there before she ran out of the room.

1. The Occupational Therapist at our school was diagnosed with Fifth's Disease. Although I don't have any contact with her, I thought I'd still inform my doctor. She was not worried about it. Okay, so I guess that's good? I mean, I don't have to do a precautionary test? I guess I'm just paranoid and a hypochondriac.

2. My second concern is that Kerrigan is going to be a "big baby." I know it's not always the case with gestational diabetes moms, but I still want to be sure. So I asked her A) what she wanted my levels to be after I ate and B) will she do another ultrasound to "check her out." She said she didn't care much about my levels after I eat since I am not a true diabetic. But she said she would think as long as they are under 140 that would be fine. Mostly, she really is just concerned about my fasting levels, which have all been normal, so I guess I'm good to go? She said that she wouldn't do another ultrasound unless I wasn't measuring normal. But apparently I am measuring normal, so I guess that means Kerrigan is a "normal" size fetus. I really hope so because Jenni told me today that she saw a lady who had a 3 week old FOURTEEN pound baby. This baby was also ELEVEN POINT NINE pounds at delivery! Holy #*&%#*)(*%&@)!! Can you imagine giving birth to that big baby?!?! I mean, ow. Again, this is my paranoia taking over, but I can't help but be concerned!

Last weekend, we went to look for Kerrigan's furniture and we bought some! So exciting! It will be delivered next Thursday. We got a good deal on it because the set was being discontinued and they wanted to get rid of it. We ended up getting a crib, a dresser and a hutch. We also went ahead and purchased a conversion kit so when she gets older, we can turn the crib into a bed. It's an espresso finish. So that will be set up very soon and her room will be closer to being complete! I will post pictures as soon as we get the furniture set up. It will also be nice to get her bedding out of the closet and onto the crib. I can also work more on organizing her closet because we just stuffed everything in there since we didn't have any drawers for storage.

My mom's good friend Debby is in the process of working on a valance for Kerrigan's lone window in her bedroom. This is another bullet on my checklist, so I'm glad that it is in the works. :) I can't wait to see what Debby comes up with--it should look awesome!

We also got out some paint from the garage and touched up our walls in the bathrooms, living room, kitchen and our bedroom that had marks and dirt on Sunday. We still need to do some minor touchups in Kerrigan's room from where we got paint on the ceiling and trim. Guess we will work on that sometime soon. Hopefully we can get it done before the furniture is delivered. Oh yeah, any takers on coming over and vacuuming and possibly shampooing her carpet before it gets delivered?? :)

Nesting is definitely in full effect at the Jordan household in case you haven't noticed. I got home the other day from school and I cleaned out the pantry. Random. But it was driving me crazy. I wonder what other acts of randomness I will indulge myself in in the upcoming weeks???

I am getting excited because we have our 2 baby showers coming up very soon! We have a Couples Shower thrown by Megan and my good friends Laurie, Ashley and Charity. It will be at Megan and Brad's house this Saturday. There is no telling WHAT is in store for this party. I envision Aaron or myself testing out baby food. Hmmm... :) Then, the next Sunday (May 2) is my baby tea. So I am excited to get some more things for Kerrigan and to get to see some friends and family.

My next doctor's appointment is 2 weeks from today, which is coincidentally mine and Aaron's third anniversary. I got a 3:30 appointment, so hopefully I can be out in time to go to a fancy dinner. :) I can't believe we have been married for almost three years. It seems like we were just planning our wedding. Now we're planning for parenthood! Oh my!

That's all for now.


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